About this Website and EMRAA

This site will eventually replace the original EMRAA website at https://members.tripod.com/EMRAA The old site does contain some other materials and links, but The Experimental Manned Rockets Webpage will be updated regularly by Glen May which is me, and all further EMRAA associate membership applications and other submissions should be directed to me at mailto:emraa2112@yahoo.com I hope EMRAA has been of good service to those who have found the site. I believe the new site will be of more service and be more dynamic. Thanks to those who supported EMRAA, I believe and have been told EMRAA is a association that is ahead of its time but its the only manned rocketry association in the country except NASA. But unlike NASA, EMRAA is free and all it requires to be a successful member is a imagination, some balls, technical knowledge, and getting off the sofa and doing something.

A special thanks to the people of Project Halo, High Altitude Research Corporation, my friends in Huntsville, Waldo Stakes, Stan, Eddie the Undead Astronaut, Rocket Propulsion of Memphis team members, rocketmen everywhere, and most of all to Tim Pickens for the encouragement to pursue a rocket path least traveled.

Continuing thanks go out to Richard McNeil and Phillip May for their helping me to conquer the world wide, it might conquer me back.

The old AOL address has been terminated with extreme prejudice, it did not work for me - I apologize for the people I failed to get back with because of a inefficient system I was using or did not know how to use properly. I think the yahoo E-mail will work better.

This website is authored by Glen May except where otherwise noted. I will try to keep this site updated every season. This site is almost totally dedicated to privately funded manned rocketry in all its forms. This site probably will never have real fancy graphics , I am weary of computer spanking. I believe a picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks for stopping by the site.


